New Highlighter: Addressing your feedback and next steps

Oh, I also hold a grudge against Moleskine for discontinuing the squared reporter’s notebook :wink:

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@matteo I’m not trying to beat a dead horse any more but to build off of @Paczki point the purpose of highlight… I think the biggest issue I have is the overall implementation. I understand the Bear’s perspective of trying to make things as simple as possible while working within the limitations of markdown but I just intuitively view the new highlight feature and old feature as TWO separate features.

My work flow revolves around a lot of PM work while still having to reference a ton of specialized knowledge. I love the option to now color coordinate projects (i.e., Complete, in-progress, not started, etc.) and now have transitioned most of my PM workflow over to Bear because of the new feature. BUT, as stated earlier, I still reference a ton of information (i.e., policies and procedures) constantly. As minor as it is, a good highlighter function for a notes app was a must for me. This way I could still retain the majority of information I needed but able to highlight key points for quick references (e.g., during a meeting). The bright vibrant highlight was a huge selling factor for me- and was a key factor for me to use/purchase Bear. BUT now I have two meanings for green (i.e., complete and highlight). And the current highlight green (or the rest of the colors for that matter) do not stand out as easily. (And yes I have a meaning for each highlight color already). To me highlighting & color coordinating are separate functions.

Again, I understand the Bear team is trying to implement a powerful but simple (i.e, avoid confusion) function, while still working within the parameters of markdown. But if there was a way to separate the current feature, I would be over the moon.

Example for separating the feature could be:
==Default Highlight== (Normal text w/ color background)
==🟢Green== (green text w/ green background)
==🔴Red== (red text w/ red background)
==🔵Blue== (blue text w/ blue background)
==🟡Yellow== (yellow text w/ yellow background)
==🟣Purple== (purple text w/ purple background)
I also would think this COULD solve UX complaint about having to go in and choose a default color. My rational is this: If I’m color coordinating I already have to go through the “leg work” of individually choosing a color. But if I’m highlighting I just want to highlight quickly with one color. Having BLACK (or whatever the default themes text color is) as the highlight option while the other “color coordinated” text changes color, would serve as a visual separation between the two options…

Maybe this works, maybe it doesn’t. My hope is just to provide additional context to at least one customer’s perspective on why I am upset with the implementation of the new function. And I hope the Bear team can come up with a brilliant solution to all of our feedback (which I’m sure they will :wink:)!


Thank you. This is really well put. It also explains why both ideally would be part of the feature set. The new options might be useful for color coordination; they aren’t distinct enough as highlighters. This captures what a lot of people have tried to express, here and on Reddit.


I have to agree that the removal of the old highlighter “way” - where the highlight colour was contextual to the theme and universal markdown highlight syntax - is a feature removal. The feature it’s been replaced with is a new, separate capability.

I appreciate the devs won’t change back now and are unlikely to include both functions… but there is loss.

So some of us are grieving.



Assuming that the devs will come with a more vibrant colour palette that addresses the mentioned issues - how is that a removal of a feature?

I fully understand that you can get used to a certain colour that served as a highlight colour within a theme. The price for just getting used to a new one, as long as it’s chosen correctly in terms of accessibility, is pretty low in my opinion.

I haven’t seen anything in this thread or the old one to warrant that assumption. This is what’s come closest, IMO:

Fingers crossed.

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Hello everyone,

We’ve recently published a new proposal for the highlights. You can find it here: Highlighter changes: feedback integration and accessibility improvements

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this update.

I’d particularly appreciate the feedback from @Paczki regarding the color-blind’s palette.