[Tester wanted!] Bear Web Beta update

I’d like to give it a go and can give feedback.

Yes please :slight_smile: I helped test bear 2, would love to help test this also! Plus I’m a cloud engineer so that hopefully helps with some potential additional insights if I need to report something!

I’ll be happy to be a tester!

Yeah to this today! Please consider me for the beta test.

I’d like to beta test.

Would love to join the beta to help test! Long time Bear Pro user, and stuck on Windows for work, so this would be such an amazing solution to stay with Bear across platforms.

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I would absolutely love to try it out. Please reach out to me with an invite. Thanks.

I’d love to be a beta tester

I’m a good tester! So excited for this release

Hello! count me in as a tester pleaseeeeee!!!

I would like to be a tester

I’m excited for this, I can finally access Bear on my corporate Mac without installing it.

I’d love to test it out.

I’d like to beta test! :wave:

I would like to contribute to testing Bear web app !

I’m incredibly interested in helping to beta test! This is what I’ve been waiting for!

Love to beta test. I’ve done a lot of it via TestFlight.

Hey hey,
I’d love to help test; have an embarrassing amount of Apple devices, but really looking forward to being able to use Bear at work on Linux/windows :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it! Hope to participate in the private test!!!!

Hi wow - very cool. I want to help shape the product and offer my help - please add me to the Bear Web Beta. Thank you, Thomas.

Sign me up pretty please!