Bear Custom Print & PDF - Apple shortcut
Updated: Mar 10, 2024 at 10:56 EDT
Customize Bear print, HTML and PDF production with Apple Shortcut
Download and install: Bear Custom Formatted Print & PDF - v.1.7 - Shortcut
User Defined Settings in Style Sheets
3 Sample Sheets are included in Shortcut and can be run as is.
- Set page size and page numbering.
- Set page break before heading 1 etc.
- Set Page break after
divider. - Set custom fonts, sizes or color for text and heading
- Set center and max-size on images.
- Using regular CSS style sheets, please add or update samples as needed.
See section/*** My additions ***/
, where you can override Bear’s default export style, using keyword!important;
to ensure override “sticks”. - Select from multiple CSS style sheets, or run default without prompt (by moving the other sheets to subfolder.)
- Print or save as PDF from Safari, Edge or Chrome (with page formatting)
- On iPad/iPhone use preview in Textastic with Safari or Edge to print or share as PDF with images.
The three sample stylesheets are saved to folder: “iCloud/Shortcuts/CSS for Bear Print PDF/”
only first time the shortcut is run!
After that, modify the .CSS files directly in that folder to suit your needs.
If you want to restore the original samples: Temporarily move all files in “iCloud/Shortcuts/CSS for Bear Print PDF/” to a subfolder (so that root is empty of files), and they will be restored on next run
Page formatting and page nubering is done by included javascript:
Paged.js — How to use Paged.js
/*** Special Section setting: page size, page numbering, ***/
/*** and page breaks; used by included JavaScript ***/
/*** (script added to output file by shortcut) ***/
@media print {
@page {
size: letter;
margin-top: 20mm;
margin-right: 10mm;
margin-bottom: 20mm;
margin-left: 10mm;
@bottom-center {
content: counter(page);
h1 {break-before: page;}
/* h2 {break-before: page;} */
hr {
/* Using Bear's --- divider */
break-after: page;
visibility: hidden;
NOTE! When Run on iOS/iPad
- Install Textastic app to be able to preview, print and make PDFs with images.
- Add “/iCloud Drive/Shortcuts/Bear Formatted Print Temp/” as External Folder in Textastic! Only needed to do once.
- When Shortcut opens Textastic: Open and preview “Bear Custom Formatted.html” from that external folder.
- Tap preview icon to preview and then to view, print and make PDF in Safari or other default browser.