Hi, have used TimeMachine to configure a new Mac Studio running Sonoma 14.5. Previous installation was using 12.x Monterey.
Tried opening Bear for first time on new machine and get the error message “Bear quit unexpectedly.”
Tried uninstalling by dragging Bear to trash and then reinstalled from the App Store where I purchased it from but same result.
Bear is running fine on my MacBook Pro also running Sonoma 14.5
Any idea how to get round this?
Steve V
Please open Console.app > Crash Reports, locate the last Bear crash, right-click on it, and select “Reveal in Finder”. Send me the .ips or .crash file.
Hi Trix 180,
I have attached a crash report Bear-2024-07-23-182928.ips as requested.
(Attachment Bear-2024-07-23-182928.ips is missing)
The Bear system would not let me load the file type so I have zipped it up to get past the filter.
Bear-2024-07-23-182928.ips.zip (9.3 KB)
Thanks. If you delete this folder on your Mac, Does Bear start as expected?
~/Library/Containers/net.shinyfrog.bear/Data/Library/Saved Application State/net.shinyfrog.bear.savedState/
That folder was not where you suggested. I found it here;
Users/myname/Library/Containers/Bear/Data/Library/Saved Application State/net.shinyfrog.bear.savedState
I deleted the folder and hey presto Bear is back!
Many many thanks. Bear is one of those rare apps that I can’t imagine ever being without.
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