Feature request: copy as pdf


Currently one can copy a note as text, markdown or HTML. For quickly sharing a richly formatted note (e.g. with images/screenshots) with others on Slack or Teams, it would be really helpful to be able to copy as PDF. I know that one can export and then send that, but just being able to copy as pdf to the clipboard would be much faster.


Hi Oli,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a suggestion.

I’m not sure if this is possible, but i’ll double check with the development team when moving forward.

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This would still be very useful! Any chance it might be added to the roadmap for Bear 2.x?

Why is this necessary when you can export as PDF?

because it is faster - often I just want to quickly copy a note and send to someone who doesn’t have bear (e.g. via slack). Being able to copy as pdf would make that more seamless, particularly on iPhone/iPad.

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