Is there a way to create automatic Backups on iOS or MacOS


what is in general the backup concept of Bear? How can I go back to former notes and how am I protected against data loss or accidental deletion?

Is there a way to create automatic daily backups of all my notes and attachment? Preferably on iOS because I use Bear there way more often than on my Mac.

Personally, I would like to specify within Bear on iOS:

  • do a daily backup of all my notes to a specified iCloud directory
  • bonus:
    • encrypt the backup with user specified password (not sure about that, would have downsides like I can’t manually extract a certain note)
    • for users with a lot of attachements an option to only backup note content without attachments to speed up the process
    • to have a retention setting, e.g. last x days and automatically delete older backups after generating the new one.
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I created a shortcut on my Mac that will do a backup to a specified iCloud folder.

However, as I wanted to run the shortcut on my iPhone its said the action is unknown. Is the Shortcut action Backup for Bear only on the Mac available?

Would be nice to have it on iOS as well.

By the way is there a solution how to run the Mac shortcut daily automatically?

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Two ways I know of on Mac:

1. Using the MAS app “”

Tiggers Shortcuts multiple ways. Scheduling is in the Pro version $9.99 per year,
Or use the free version with limited number of triggers.

2. Using MacOS Automator (Calendar app):

That you can schedule with Apple Calendar app:

Task Automation Mac Schedule Automator | Restackio