We’re excited about this one folks, and we know you are too! Panda alpha 2936 is ready for testing right now on Mac and iOS with a couple of major new features. If you haven’t already ditched this post to go check for updates, here are details of what’s new and ready to test.
In-note search
This has been a popular request and we’re happy to get it into your hands. We spent a good amount of time on the search UI and its little details, so please give it a spin and let us know what you think.

Our in-note search goes beyond the mere text in your notes. You can search the text of attachment file names, and of course in tables. Search inside images is still a work in progress, so stay tuned!
Here’s how to toggle search:
- iOS: Using an on-screen keyboard, you can toggle this search UI from the menu in the upper right. With a hardware keyboard, good ol’ Command + F should get you there
- macOS: Use Command + F or from the Edit > Find menu

Building our export tools is one of the last key projects we have on the road to a Bear 2.0 beta, so we’re excited to get these into your hands, too.
As mentioned in our last check-in, there’s a lot of export stuff here to test:
- The JPG and PDF export options have been designed to support themes for changing colors, fonts, sizes, etc. (For now, this is Mac only, and just light and dark themes)
- Export tables
- Link previews in exports to JPG and PDF
- Footnotes in exports to HTML, DOCX, and PDF
- PDF export supports ToC
- Wiki links to other sections (headings) in a note will work when exported to PDF
- Resized images are now respected when exported
To export a note from Panda:
- iOS: Tap the menu in the upper right, then Export
- macOS: Click File > Export from the Menu Bar
We kept this one short ’n sweet so you can get to the good stuff. Check for updates in Panda for Mac and in the TestFlight app on iOS. If you need to download a copy, grab them from our alpha page.