Two requests in regard to: export of table of content and search for notes without title

To get rid of the first line, to place stuff like tags at the very beginning of the note, to prevent bloat in @title-searches and to search for untitled notes (means: withot any heading, just pure text) i consider your suggestion as best so far: Name of the note = the first appearing header. I just do not understand really your objection against using the first appearing header even if it is not H1. Why should’t the implementation work?

In regard to unnamed notes (no heading at all) i objected that they would not be linkable. But in the meantime i think: so what? They would be findable by the “untitled” or “unnamed” (the better and less confusing designation). And then give them a name by placing a heading/title at the beginning of the note, if they are so important that you want them to be linked. What do you think? is that acceptaple to motivate people to keep things in order? :smiley:

@trix180, maybe you can give a comment on this?

I have different problems regarding the proposal of changing how note titles are detected in Bear. The first, and possibly what scares me the most, is Bear 1 users and how they will react if they can no longer find the note they are looking for in the list because we changed the note title in B2. I can imagine my reaction if this will happen to me out of blue.

The second problem worth mentioning is the current method is really straightforward, first line = Title. The rule the first h1 = title raises some questions and imposes a note structure ( what if I want to start my notes with h2, what if I do want the title to be something that isn’t an header, …). People use Bear in different ways and for different purposes and we have to keep this always in mind.

I can go on but I think the above pretty much make my position clear about this subject.

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Yes, i understand your scaring, it would create a rebellion for good reason. Then let me ask a last question: after trying out different strategies how to handle the behaviour of the first line, i decided for quick notes without any heading to start writing such notes with “enter” to leave first line. That’s a fine workaround. Bear treats such notes as without name. Currently there is no way to find such notes. An advanced search operator or even better a tag in left sidebar (f.e. directly under untagged) would help finding notes with an attribute that indeed eixsts for bear notes

yes, an @untitled search filter is pretty easy to do. I’ll discuss this with the others for next week’s update.