I’m interested in trying the beta. Both on iOS and macOS.
Dropping a message - thanks for letting us help!
Please include me in the Bear 2 beta - macOS and iOS Thanks!
Access please thank you
Would love to have access to the Beta.
I would love to see what is coming next, been Bear user since the beggining
Would love to have access to the beta. So excited!
I’m interested in testing the beta. thank you.
Hi! I am interested in testing the beta too, thanks!
Interested as well
Hi! I would like to request access to the beta
I would love to have access to the beta, please!
I’d be keen to try the beta - thanks!
Yes please, I want to try the beta
I would be interested in joining the beta. Thank-you
Hello, I would be interested in the beta as well. Thanks!!
I would love access to the bear beta. Thank you!
I would like to join the beta!!
I’d like to join beta.
I’d like to request access to Bear 2 MacOS beta. Thank you.