Bear 2 beta access requests 28-10-2022

We are approaching a Bear 2 for macOS public beta but if want to join the private beta please drop a comment here. I’ll take care of sending you a private message with all the required info when we’ll invite another batch of testers.


Hi, where can I get Bear 2 public beta for macOS?

Hi, i would like to get access to Bear 2 :slight_smile:

I would like to join the beta !

I would like to join the beta

Hi, I would love to test the beta

I’d like to join the beta

I would also like to join the beta. Thanks!

I also would love to join.

I’m interested in the beta.

Heavy user, extremely eager to join the beta.

Can you add me to the next batch of beta testers, Thanks.

+1 interested in the private beta

Would love to join the beta

I’d like to join beta

I’d love to participate!

I’d like to try the beta please! :slight_smile:

Love to join. Thanks!

I’ve already asked for beta access 10 days ago but if my request got lost, I’d still love to test!