Bear 2 beta access requests 07-11-2022

Yes please - I had access to Panda and now I’d like to try the Bear 2 beta!

I would also like to get access to the beta.

I would like to join the beta. Thanks.

I would like to be included in the beta testing.

I’d like to be added to the beta. Thanks!

I’m interested in trying the Beta! :raised_hand:t3::blush:

I’m interested in the beta. Thanks!

Hi, would love to be added to the beta (iOS or macOS). Tnx!

I’d like access to the Bear 2 macOS beta :slight_smile:

Long time Bear Pro user who has tried almost every note taking app and always comes back to Bear. Would love to participate in the Beta!

Coming back to bear from Craft. Would love to join the beta, and have beta tested applications for a number of years. Thanks!

Hey! I’m interested to try the beta! Thank youuu :bear:

I would like to join the beta.

Please add me as tester

I want to Beta test it too!!!

I’m interested by the beta :wave:

Please add me to the Bear 2 beta. Thanks!

I would like access to the beta. Thanks!

I’d like to join the beta too

I’m interested in MacOS Bear2 beta