Bear 2 beta requests - End of 2022

I would like to try the beta, thank you

Please add me! Thank you!

I would like to try the beta. Thank you.

Would like to try the beta as well. Thanks and happy holidays to the team!

I just signed up for Bear 1, but I’d love to try the Bear 2 Beta as well. Please include me.

Waiting forever for the public beta. Just add me to the private beta please.

Can I have Beta access please?

I would like to test Bear 2.

I’d like to test it please. Thanks!

Please add me to the list, thanks! :slight_smile:

Please add me. So ready for this.

Please add me. Thanks!

Yes please and thank you

I’d love to help test

Yes, please! Much appreciated.

Please add me. Thanks.

Please add me too! Thank you!

I would like to help test the beta, too. Happy holidays everyone :wave:

Happy holidays, I would be happy to test Bear 2 too!

I’d like to try bear 2 beta. Thanks!