Embedded checkboxes

It would be nice if check boxes could be embedded in tables. For example:

| Paid   | Name        | Amount    | Cleared   |
| [ ]    |             | $0.00     | $0.00     |
| [ ]    |             | $0.00     | $0.00     |
| [ ]    |             | $0.00     | $0.00     |
| [ ]    |             | $0.00     | $0.00     |
| [ ]    |             | $0.00     | $0.00     |

The first column would be checkbox values. Currently this will render in Bear as:

It would be nice if bear rendered like:

Paid Name Amount Cleared
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00
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I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t possible due to the limitations of markdown itself, but it would definitely be nice to have!

It’s possible. The original post above, where I showed the 3rd example, is markdown pasted right into this board and as you can see from above it applies the checkbox directly in the column :smile:


That’s not standard Markdown syntax, and it won’t work in most editors (I haven’t found one that supports that syntax).

Tables don’t support block syntax like headers, lists, and to-do items, and that’s a Markdown limitation that we’re not going to change for the time being.