Enhanced tagging functionality

Could you please add the ability to view all tags associated with a note? Placing them within the info / statistics panel would be one place, but what I would really like is the ability to turn on a sticky setting that displays all tags at the top of the note, regardless of where in the note they occur.

Also, I had to search your help docs to find out how to add tags. While typing a “#” is powerful, adding an option to the right-click menu for “Add tag” would make your product more accessible / intuitive to new users.

Additional context for my request:
I’m attempting to migrate to Bear from Evernote. I want to use Bear as my external brain, where I add notes and bits of web content that I would like to reference in the future. I categorize with tags like “career”, “recipe”, “exercise”, “personal development”, etc.

As a workaround, I use footnote references in the text, and put the tags in the footnotes (so they’re all in one place)

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