Request: Creating tags at drag&drop on top rather than bottom of the note

I and probably many others like to write the note-related tags on the top directly under heading. Even parts of the shiny frog team seem to think that this is the natural way in view of some screenshots they posted on the bear website. Here the latest example:

That has some fundamental advantages:

  • As the note related tags are on top, they are immediately visible without scrolling
  • It is consistent to the habit to tag sections of text by writing tags directly under subheaders

When creating a new note by button from second pane i start with a totally empty note, so it is easy to write at first the heading and then below the fitting tags. If before a tag from left pane was selected and therefore this tag is written automatically then i just have to write a heading and go to the line after the tags.

The problem however is then an already existing note is drag&dropped onto a tag from left pane’s tag tree: The tag is placed at the bottom of text. In combination with footnotes (which are also placed at the bottom) that could lead to a messy mixup of tags and footnotes.

I would like to request that tags written in such a manner by drag and drop are placed at the top of the note under the heading. That schould be an option.

But how could that be implemented? The very first line of a note is a line that is treated by bear as the name of the note. That line can be empty or not. In both cases the tag created by drag&drop should be placed in the second line.

And what if the second line is already used?

EITHER the whole text is moved one line below to make second line free for adding the tag

OR the tag is added to the second line if and only if the second line is free or consists only of tags (placed before f.e.)


At the risk of bugging I will bump this post as I really would be amazed of this feature because it feels so natural for me. Currently I cannot use the drag&drop onto tags as the tags are added to the end of the note.

Actually it shouldn’t. Using the option-key while dragging would be the most efficient way

yes i would love to see this too! When dragging to left bar, have tag inserted at the top.

Additionally to inline tags or possibly alternatively i would love the option to have all tags in a note displayed at the top by default (perhaps even if there are in also inline elsewhere) i spend a lot of time scrolling down to try to find tags that are spread around, either top and bottom or tags that are accidentally inserted.

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Completely agree with this, please have an option for adding a new tag at the top (right under the title) whena note is dragged and dropped on a new tag. That would make my life much easier! :slight_smile:

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We’re currently discussing the possibility of adding an option to include tags at the top. We’ll keep you updated.


Please, do so… I’ve missed having this option for so long. Actually I would have liked the option of making tags becoming metadata instead of inline text.

A tag doesn’t become metadata just because it is placed at the top after a note is dropped onto a tag on the left sidebar. When a tag is placed at the top resp. under the title of the note it still remains inline and just gets the meaning to be related to the whole note without taking the capability to place tags wherever you want.

+1 from me on this as well!

This would go a long way toward improving usability around tags (the central organizational structure of Bear). Currently, I must scroll to the bottom of a note to see which tags it has. This is especially problematic with longer notes.

Furthermore, I’d like to throw in my support for the above suggestion from @stighagen to have the option of saving tags as metadata instead of inline text. Being able to tag a note without altering its actual content would be great!

I know this may be a bit “geeky” of me, but why not allow us to put tags in the YAML Frontmatter of notes (ideally, even including the option to put them there automatically via drag-and-drop)? To me this seems like an elegant way to accommodate both the “top of note” and “metadata” feature requests without major changes to the core notes UI.

All in all, I’d be thrilled to see some meaningful improvements to the overall tagging workflow in Bear.