As you can write them everywhere you have the freedom to decide what makes sense for you.
Here is my way:
- I rarely write tags inline. It can happen when it makes sense for me but generally i am not using this opportunity often. However, i really appreciate this possibility because it is extremely useful when/if i need it.
- Tags that represent the whole note i write directly under the title. Bear however creates a tag at the bottom of a note when you drag and drop a note onto a tag in the left pane. Therefore it may make sense to write tags all note related tags at the bottom. many user prefer that. As my notes are longer i dislike that and prefer not to scroll just to see the tags. (I made a request for an option to place tags under the title when dragging them onto a tag inside the tag tree)
- I also tag sections of my notes. In that cases i write a tag directly under a heading. Such tags are related just to this header, its subheadings and its content