Feature Request: Bear Focus Filters

I’d like to request Focus Filters be created and enabled for Bear. This could come in two parts.

1. Theming

I would like to see Theme changing be supported by Focus Filters. This would help create a visual distinction between various activities within Bear.

I could use a solarized theme for note taking while in my Reading focus mode.

I could use a panic theme when making notes on coding.

2. Tag Hiding

The second, albeit more complicated option, is to hide certain tags with Focus Filters. This could be used to filter out work notes during the evening, or personal notes during work.

I myself have wished for method of separating work and personal notes with Bear through some method. Vaults with Obsidian are an obvious example, but Focus Filters could help bridge the gap and give us some context switching capabilities.

I would love to see both implemented, but I hope you at least consider adding theme switching to focus filters.


I agree this would be really nice and differentiate nicely from a lot of other apps adding AI slop for focus but no substance.

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