Highlighter changes: feedback integration and accessibility improvements

Awesome proposal. Couldn’t be happier. :+1:


Thanks for the quick turnaround on this, Bear team!

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Could you let me know when this will be updated? I can’t wait to use the default color again. The new color feels depressing. I only need default please :cry:


Can I add a design criteria?

I’m sure many users screenshot text items from other apps into Bear. I personally paste zillions of clipped screenshots from Kindle into Bear, and nearly all of these have Kindle highlighted passages.

So what I have been hoping is that Bear’s highlighting will look like the highlighting in Kindle. So that my highlighting looks the same whether it is in Kindle or Bear, and that highlighted text in clipped Kindle items in my Bear notes looks just like the Bear highlighted text above and below it.

This also goes for one’s overall UI across apps. Like it or hate it, Kindle is ubiquitous, and I’d like to have the same look & feel for highlighting in Bear as I do in Kindle, as I pretty much spend my time switching between the two.

PS. ditto for the colors - I want to have exactly the same palette of highlight colors in Bear as I do in Kindle, for conformity across the two please.

As a power user of Bear (9500 notes, 101G bytes, 5 languages, work and private) I follow these discussions about highlichting etc with interest.

But please developing team, don’t let these discussions take away your attention from more important things like Panda, a web application and maybe splitting Bear in workspaces ( tbe Archive can than be a workspace with its own tags).


Uh…no. For two reasons:

  1. what if Kindle highlighting changed? Are you arguing that Bear’s UI should be dictated by Amazon’s design team?
  2. Bear is, if not a Mac-assed Mac app, at least an “Apple-assed Apple app”. I regularly use Bookends, Highlights, DevonThink and Ulysses. While their highlighting isn’t identical to each other, each is broadly consistent with the Apple platform as a whole. Bear’s highlighting should be what looks good on Apple devices.

Now, having the ability to customise the highlighter colours so that you could match your Kindle’s colours and I could do what I liked…now that’s a suggestion I could endorse.