How many of us use Bear for engineering or technical note taking?

One of the main reasons that made Bear standout for me when I adopted it 5 years ago was the feature to write code snippets with the language syntax highlighting. Now I am aware its a markdown feature, but still, a HUGE asset for my note taking. So I always wondered how big of a chunk of Bear’s user base consists of engineers (or any personnel that work in any IT capacity) use Bear.

Btw - Thanks to Bear developers for the recent features. Especially loving the tables, ability to size photos and hide the markdown. :heart:


And I need to use twenty chars for an answer.

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Yes definitely use it for technical writing, storing some code snippets, some ELI5 or TL;DR versions of certain engineering concepts (e.g. how does garbage collection work in a given language).

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I use it for research, meeting notes, prepping technical documentation and small core snippets

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I use it a lot too for meetings, email prewriting and documentation. I even write documents that I then transfer to word.

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