Lots of good with the update.
New keyboard great, but basic actions easier and faster on prior keyboard (bold, italic, highlight, add picture). I’d prefer to have immediate access to these for basic note writing, and happy to flip to new keyboard for lesser-used options.
I see this was discussed in previous comments, so i’ll just add that I support the “use old keyboard” option (assuming tables and footnotes can be incorporated as well) with user option to arrange tool order as they see fit.
To be fair, having used it a bit more, I could get used to it!
One weird thing though is the hopping of words after you set a style, because while editing it will have markup but then bounce into the clearer layout without markup. Again, can get used to it, but kinda jarring when you aren’t used to it. It would be nice to have an option for pure markup. For example, using the > automatically generates a quote block and gives no option for just using this character to start a new line
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Welcome! We understand some might find the solution currently available in Bear handier for some situations, however, the discoverability of the editor functions was one of the goals we had for Bear 2.0 and I don’t see ourselves go back to the previous solution. What we are considering is adding some kind of customizations to the accessory view so people can have direct access to some of their preferred functionalities, but this is tricky in many ways and will require some studies.
One weird thing though is the hopping of words after you set a style, because while editing it will have markup but then bounce into the clearer layout without markup.
I’m not sure have fully understood the above, can you please make a quick video?
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Hi @trix180 , here is an example. When i select the header to edit, it pops into markdown mode, and when i de-select, it pops away. I find the behavior distracting and clunky; much prefer current editor’s elegant approach to markdown
I believe there will be a toggle to disable hide markdown mode view in the official Bear release.
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+1 for few most used actions on accessory view just like the way current editor does.
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Sorry for the delay. I can confirm markdown-hiding (the behaviour shown in your video) will be optional in Bear.
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Thanks for letting me know! No worries about delay, lots of opinionated users out there to reply to