Is Bear covered by Advanced Data Protection or not?

OK, I feel like this is a silly question. Yes, I’ve seen the other thread about this, and no, it’s only added confusion, not removed any.

  1. I have Advanced Data Protection turned on.
  2. I use Bear with iCloud Sync.
  3. Because I have Advanced Data Protection turned on, this implies that everything Bear does should be covered by the protections that ADP confers.
  4. Ergo… Thanks to ADP, my iCloud data is E2E encrypted – I have the keys. Therefore, my data in Bear is E2E encrypted.

Is this correct? Is this incorrect? If it is incorrect, why? If the Shiny Frog crew could weigh in with something authoritative, that would be super helpful.

Thank you!


It’s not covered, as it’s stored in CloudKit, which requires a flag to be enabled for it to be encrypted. Bear team has stated they won’t do this, and it would limit compatibility with older iOS’s.

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Perhaps this should be up to the user? If she has a new enough iOS device, she might want to enable it.


Agreed - many of us suggested a toggle for such a purpose, but it appeared the appetite was not there from the Bear team. Their focus is instead on delivering encryption with attachment support.