Encryption with Attachments

I can’t really specify a version here as I’d like this across all versions, but if we can’t have Apple’s ADP (and previous threads have indicated an emphatic “no” to this), then I would really love to be able to encrypt notes that have attachments too! I can do this in Apple Notes of all things, but not beloved bear :slight_smile:


I can confirm we are working on attachments encryption


Wonderful! I am pleased to hear this :slight_smile:

any news about this ?

We are currently working on this particular feature at the moment but we don’t have any particular news at the moment.


That’s wonderful! I wonder if some sort of encryption for the entire vault is in the cards? O would that be too impactful on performances? Again, great to hear either way :slight_smile:

No because encrypting the whole of Bear’s database (in a meaningful way) is problematic for the app startup performances. Apps that do this usually use caching and other techniques to make it work but it’s tricky because those bypass the encryption.

My concern is more on the implications of this for some Bear features as it limits the use of just the main app when foreground (no background sync, sharing extensions, shortcuts, …).


Yeah for me, as much as whole app encryption would be pleasant, I’m more than happy if we just have the ability to do individual notes with attachments :slight_smile:


Agreed. While complete encryption or encryption of notes with specific tags would be fantastic, just the ability to encrypt notes with attachments would solve my last remaining problem with Bear.

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I was playing with what it might look like to move from 1Password to Apple Passwords this fall. One big gap is that Apple Passwords doesn’t support a “secure note” the same way 1Password does. I figured that this would be “no problem”, since Bear supports encrypted notes. But, I was immediately stuck, since probably a dozen of my current secure notes in 1Password contain an embedded image or PDF. Adding support in Bear would probably unblock a good number of Bear users looking to make a similar change this fall like myself.

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As a 1password user myself, I’m interested in how viable it is to switch, any other deal breakers or difficulties you encountered?

This is my exact situation as well. Looking to replicate 1Passwords secure notes including attachments.

Wouldn’t it be simpler to enable ADP for customers who can? It wouldn’t change those other implementations, as far as I understand.


You wouldn’t be able to replicate SSH keys, API keys, or other dev type functions


I would also like to hear if there’s a chance ADP will be implemented :slight_smile: I LOVE Bear’s encryption, and would still use it, but it doesn’t work with full text search and backlinks :eyes: ADP would provide us with an additional layer of privacy (especially nowadays, with all this server side scanning and AI training) without compromising on performances