So on my Mac, I wanted to link to another note and also to a header in that same note, but wanted to keep my text (and not the note/ header title). So I just copied “link to note” and “link to header” from relevant contextual menus. Using the link button I wrote my text and copied the links. This all worked well.
However the problem is that, this way, the linked note failed to show any backlinks to it in the info section.
When I linked via the usual wikilink (double square brackets), it showed the backlink.
Is this normal behaviour and backlinks are only shown if linked via wiki link, and not directly copying the link to the note or header? If yes, then links to headers will never show as backlinks I guess?
I want to bump this old thread. I use Bear all the time and love it, but am continually frustrated that only inter-note links made with [[wiklinks]] are considered backlinks. Most of the time, what works for my workflow is to grab a note’s URL and create a [markdown link](bear://x-callback-url/open-note?id=UUID). Unfortunately, these are not considered backlinks.
Is there any possibility of considering a link between notes made with a note’s URL a proper backlink? Thanks!
As bear is capable of using aliases for wiki-links, you don’t need to use markdown links. You simply could use: [[note title|“markdown link”]] to achieve the same result. That link as a wiki-link would be considered as backlink although they do not appear highlighted in the backlinks panel.
Thanks. I know you can set the title of a wikilink, but I don’t want to have to type the title of a note; I want to be able to copy its URL.
I have a lot of notes with similar titles (e.g., Recurring meeting name YYYY-MM-DD). If I’m looking at one note, it’s easiest to just copy its URL rather than try to remember its title or find it in a long list of auto-suggestions.
I’m also confused about what you mean by, “although they do not appear highlighted in the backlinks panel.” When I create a wikilink to another note, either with or without an alias, it shows up in the target note’s backlink panel.
My fault to have expressed it unclear. As long as the wiki link links to the note title in the backlink panel the name of the wiki link is highlighted with a different color. If the wiki link however links to a header of another note, then the wiki link appears as back link but is not highlighted. Here an example from the bear welcome notes that heavily uses such links (see the bottom part):
I’d also love it if markdown links were counted as backlinks.
I would be VERY useful for my workflow.
I frequently draft documents in bear which I then copy as markdown and paste in other apps for the final output. However I also use a lot of wiki links with aliases/modified anchor texts. As this is not standard markdown I have to manually change each wiki link that has an alias to show only the anchor text in the output document. Using wiki links would change that as its standard markdown meaning that the anchor text (equivalent to wiki links aliases) would be rendered in the final output without me having to manually edit the output document.