Theme modification is not encouraged and could be overwritten with an update. That caveat said, how can I increase the font size in Bear’s sidebars? They’re legible on a smartphone but headache-small on a high-resolution monitor. Here is the .theme code I have (and think it looks pretty spiffy), but I can find no hooks for font size. Also, why is there a font-size limit in the editor?
"base": {
"text color": "#203b4d",
"text secondary color": "#6E7681",
"text tertiary color": "#676f7e",
"background color": "#fefcf8",
"background secondary color": "#F5F6FA",
"background tertiary color": "#E0E2E9",
"stroke color": "#DCDFE3",
"accent color": "#d37e7e",
"search primary color": "#FFFA5E",
"search secondary color": "$base.selection color",
"highlight color": "#d3ffa4",
"selection color": "#D3E6FB"
"notes": {
"title color": "#5f1600",
"subtitle color": "$base.text secondary color",
"placeholder color": "$base.text secondary color",
"date color": "$base.text secondary color",
"pin color": "$base.accent color",
"separator color": "$base.stroke color",
"search background color": "$ primary color",
"attachment background color": "$base.background secondary color",
"encrypted token color": "$base.background tertiary color",
"selection background color": "$base.background secondary color",
"ribbon color": "#7D98C1",
"toolbar": {
"background color": "$base.background color",
"text color": "$base.text color",
"icon color": "#6483B2",
"hover color": "$base.background secondary color"
"sidebar": {
"text color": "#000011",
"text secondary color": "#ffffff",
"background color": "#e2e2e2",
"background secondary color": "#2e5573",
"stroke color": "$sidebar.background color",
"accent color": "#3b6b90",
"icon color": "#070d0d",
"selected icon color": "#ffffff",
"toolbar": {
"background color": "$sidebar.background color",
"icon color": "$sidebar.icon color",
"hover color": "$sidebar.background secondary color"
"placeholder": {
"background color": "$base.background color",
"background stroke color": "#E2E8F0",
"shadow color": "#E7ECF3",
"stroke color": "#a8bad6"
"editor": {
"background color": "$base.background color",
"text color": "$base.text color",
"text light color": "$base.text secondary color",
"accent color": "$base.accent color",
"cursor color": "$base.accent color",
"link color": "#83060e",
"list marker color": "$base.accent color",
"marker color": "#B9C5DD",
"selection color": "$base.selection color",
"selection inactive color": "$base.background tertiary color",
"line height multiplier": 1.5,
"headers": {
"text color": "#075589",
"font": "BearSansUIHeading-Regular",
"modular scale": 1.125,
"line height multiplier": 1.3,
"add top bottom padding": 1,
"padding top multiplier": 0.5,
"padding bottom multiplier": 0.3
"code": {
"text color": "$base.text color",
"border color": "$base.text tertiary color",
"background color": "$base.background secondary color",
"font": "RobotoMono-Regular",
"syntax highlight": {
"comment": "#737577",
"constant": "#782b87",
"number": "#762727",
"string": "#ad435b",
"entity": "#0b3587",
"keyword": "#0f60da",
"function": "#782b87",
"variable": "#0b3587"
"task": {
"background color": "$base.background color",
"border color": "#9EB0CE",
"check color": "#9EB0CE"
"tag": {
"background color": "#B1BDCD",
"text color": "#FFFFFF",
"marker color": "#436AA3"
"highlighter": {
"background color": "$base.highlight color",
"text color": "$base.text color"
"separator": {
"border color": "#9EB0CE"
"table": {
"border color": "$base.stroke color",
"cell background color": "$base.background color",
"cell alternate background color": "$base.background secondary color"
"toolbar": {
"icon color": "$notes.toolbar.icon color",
"hover color": "$base.background secondary color"