New beta version 2.1 - Quick Open!

Also wondering if there could possibly be a secondary shortcut to trigger the quick open but with the ‘#’ pre-filled for a tag search. Main reason for this is that 90% of my use would involve searching for tags. In the case of the mac its CMD+O then ALT+3 to enter # to search for tags. If CMD+SHIFT+O or some other shortcut could open the quick open with a # pre-filled this would save the second shortcut to enter the #:crossed_fingers:

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I had the idea of just pressing the tab key after you get the Quick Open bar pulled up which would autofill a “#”.

The more I use this i kind of wish for tag tags without me needing to type # at all. Or CMD+OPT+O as a shortcut to open the prompt with a ‘#’ pre-filled. Hitting delete key could clear the # and go back to regular note search. A combined note/tag search without needing to type # at all would be better still I guess as adding the extra step to add the # feels like it shouldn’t be necessary :crossed_fingers:

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It would be great to also have a URL scheme to trigger quick open (i.e. to open Bear directly to the quick open panel), on all platforms.

I would also really, really like to see this on iPhone with no external keyboard. That’s the place where I would use this the most. As suggested above, I would expect to be able to get to this via pull-down anywhere in the app, and for the pull-down search modal to be able to toggle between the current find/search functionality and the new quick-open functionality, always remembering what it was used for previously so it can adapt to a given user’s common usage. If you want to make switching between find/search and quick open models fast, perhaps there could also be a gesture to do so, like swiping left/right to toggle between the two modal panels. (Perhaps the existing find/search panel is always “on the left” of the pull-down space, while the new quick open would always be “on the right.”)


cmd+o very powerful
it will be amazing if it saves the last searches


Both would be useful!

This is also how it works in Things3! There you can type a tag and it will be suggested to you without having to type # before that.

Perhaps writing # could be left as an option to force tags as results?

A new 2.1 beta is available. This includes locations (Notes, Unlocked, …) search, the alternate shortcut for searching tags directly and support for iPads with external keyboards along with some fixes and small tweaks.

Regarding the Quick Open on touch devices our idea is to provide a three finger gesture to trigger top QO regardless of the app state.


This is such an biiiiiig improvement for Bear! Amazing!

Having said that - personally I think the separation of search field and open dialog is wrong. Things 3 really nailed that with their quick search tool that combines search and open dialog. Especially on iOS this is so much better than everything I ever tried before. I strongly feel that a three finger gesture would lock this away for many without any reason.

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A couple of thoughts on the Quick Open feature:

First off, I’m a big fan of Jump Bars, Command Bar/Palette, so thanks for adding this!

Implementation Ideas (changes I’d personally like to see)

  • The esc key clears out the text in the Quick Open bar before getting rid of the bar altogether (similar to Spotlight)

  • When Quick Open is active, pressing the Tab key once puts you in Tag search. Pressing the Tab key again puts you in Location search

    • The great thing about this is if you pull up Quick Open and start searching and forget to add “#” or “@”, you can press the Tab key to cycle through the different search options (Tag, Location) which will automatically add “#” or “@” for you and re-run the search. Example:

      1. Quick Open is launched and the user types “Untagged” but forgot to add “@” at the beginning
      2. The user presses the Tab key twice and the “@” characters is added for them and the search is ran.

Just an idea, but I think that could be super easy to use, less keys and characters to remember, and could still feel intuitive.

All in all, I agree with other folks that having a unified search similar to Things 3 would be best. You already have icons to differentiate what each result is. Either way, what you guys are doing currently is still great! Thanks for the great work!


I can swear that i have downloaded the 2.1 version on my iPhone from app store while test flight is also installed. How does that work? While test flight is installed the newest betas are downloadable from app store?
Another question: I have a new mac book which allows me now to install test flight. How and where can i ask for a place for testing?


If you take a look into the screenshot from the opening post you see that the search term “Meet” also gives as result the note: “Homemade Carrot Cake”

Assuming that this is not a bug, I must admit I never experienced such a irritating search logic. Does that logic has a name? And what is it good for? In this moment I just can say that I would prefer not to see this kind of results. A search by @title search expression in second panes notes list doesn’t show these results


That’s called “fuzzy search” and it’s a very handy feature if you get the hang of it. The good thing is that you’re not forced to use it as those kinds of results have a lower score and will stay on the bottom of the list.

Many other apps we’ve checked use this same kind of search (Obsidian, iA Writer, Xcode, VSCode) and we decided that’s a very useful feature to have.

Some example:

I don’t want to type the whole Marketing notes 2023 as I have a lot of titles that contain “marketing” “notes” or “2023”, with fuzzy search I can just type some part of the title plus a partial date to get this:

I can easily filter people from my company:


Or filter for notes that have the same related content:



I don’t understand why the red note doesn’t appear first…(not talking about quick open)

Ah Ok, thanks for the detailed explanation. I will google for fuzzy search as I also need to understand the exact logic when using more than one term. There seems to be a difference

The search results are not sorted by something like relevance but by the usual sort criterion’s like name, date created or date modified

Not the most convenient thing when there is an exact match…

… but consistent with the settings :wink:

The logic is easy: all the letters in the search should match in the same order.


se will match same, but not easy.

The scoring and sorting is much more complicated, but don’t worry too much about that :slight_smile:


I will mess around. The only thing I have to get know is why „same“ and „sa me“ will lead to different results