Next up for Bear

Just curious if the Bear Team would be willing to share what’s next for Bear?

The quick search feature is proving to be a great addition.


I agree.

I know the team is small and methodical in all the kinds of ways we love, but we really never have a sense of WHAT (of all the possible things) they’re working on. Just having a SENSE OF would be great.

For example, the Obsidian team keeps a lovely roadmap of a small set of feature areas they’re working on. And, frankly, they’re often VAGUE but at least you know the ORBIT of what’s being paid attention to.

I think something like this would take a lot of heat off the team from the user base.

Here’s the Obsidian Roadmap as an example:

In the roadmap, as an example, they list “Mobile quick capture” as a planned item. What the heck does that actually mean? No idea. But that they’re going to be working on it — exciting times.

As a long-time fan and user of Bear, I know we’ve “been through the wilderness” as V2 was being developed. Assumption is currently that the new code base can make development EASIER, and that we’ll be getting a healthier cadence of features. The more artifacts and communication to users — like a lightweight roadmap — would be bueno.

Oh, and we won’t hold your feet to the fire. Priorities change, of course. :grin: