Bear's Roadmap for 2025?

Will there be a full roadmap for 2025 (not just on encryption)? It’s been such a long time that I almost forgot what I’m looking forward to amidst all the waiting. I don’t follow the forum daily, so I apologise in advance if I’ve missed this.

Back when Bear 2.0 was about to be released I was looking forward to the backlinks panel which was then was put in hiatus until a better solution could be found. I assumed it was something that the Bear team wanted to deliver on, but I can see other things have taken precedence. Waiting patiently as web-development project sprang up, which to me as an Apple user is not something that gives me value, but I suppose you want to acquire new (non Apple) users - so fair enough, I’ll wait. Then the Panda offspring off of the development of Bear 2.0, at first just “bi-product” of the development, but then a decision to flesh it into a standalone alternative to Bear 2.0.

I had hoped that with the major rewrite it took to get to Bear 2.0 focus could finally be on enriching Bear with all the feature suggestions and improvements that have been amassing across the forum/reddit taking Bear to the next level. As I remember, the code base of Bear 1.0 being a major reason to postpone these. Seeing updates with more themes, albeit very beautiful, just hurts in the heart. I find myself less and less inclined to suggest improvements as it doesn’t seem like that’s the focus.

It struck me, maybe priorities have changed. Maybe you are happy with the place Bear 2.0 is in and don’t see much more to be done with it. How would I know? As someone who’s envisioning Bear at even greater heights I would like to know where you are at, how you see things, and what’s your vision/roadmap for Bear going forward?

I don’t know… Bear is a great product, but maybe we have outgrown each other.