Panda crashes when "Toggle Stats Bar"

Testing version:

What were you doing:
Looking the options in the main menu. I was looking for the sidebar option with the folders system, and trying all the options to see how the app works

What feature did you use:
Toggle Stats Bar

What happened:
When selecting the “Toggle Stats Bar” option in the main View menu, the app crashes

What did you expect to happen:
To show the stats bar


I can’t simulate the issue, does this happen with a specific file or any? Can you please make sure you are using the latest build?


I’m gonna attach screen captures so you can see what happened.

This is what what I did:

  1. Erase the Panda app that I had.
  2. Install the one you send me with the link
  3. Go to View > Toggle Stats Bar and click
  4. the app crashes.

Panda version: 1.0 (3148), the one that comes with the last link you shared = latest build

I found that bug when I was looking for the option to display the main side bar with the folders, that I still don’t know how to display it. Is it available in this beta version? I would like to see how it works, That’s the only feature that Bear lacks for me…

I hope you can find the solution for this bug,


Please open > Crash Reports, locate the last Panda crash, right-click on it, and select “Reveal in Finder”. Send here the .ips or .crash file.

The folder view you possibly saw in another thread is not available in the current release of Panda.


Here I attached the ips crash reports. I hope those help.


(Attachment Panda-2024-05-20-121140.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-20-121200.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-21-131907.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-21-132106.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-21-132439.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-22-094621.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-22-095153.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-23-093841.ips is missing)


Here I attached the ips crash reports. I hope those help.


(Attachment Panda-2024-05-22-095153.ips is missing)

(Attachment Panda-2024-05-23-093841.ips is missing)


Here I attached the ips crash reports. I hope those help.


Panda Crash (60.6 KB)