Sometimes when I paste the horizontally long code to Panda, the codeblock in Panda will wrap the text instead of able to horizontally scroll it, just like the codeblock in webpages does.
It’ll be more readable if code in codeblock won’t wrapped, as it will make long codes unreadable.
I’ve been asking for this for a while now. Check out my post here!
Hi there,
First of all, awesome name!
Secondly, this is something we have been experimenting with.
The wrapping of text option is not set in stone, but we’ve not found a satisfying solution in terms of the horizontal scrolling so far.
Don’t worry though, we’ll keep at it and see how we get on!
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The table is scrollable horizontally if the number of columns are wider than the viewing area, why not implement the same to code block?
In my humble opinion, viewing codes in scrollable codeblock is way nicer than viewing codes that is wrapped.
Hope you can reconsider to add this feature to Panda. 
Thank you for the suggestion Danny, we’ll Bear it in mind 

So funny. I was actually about to ask the same thing. If the tables are scrolling perfectly fine, I’m wondering how different that would be with a scrollable text block.
Since we are now in Bear 2.0 beta, maybe I’ll just bring back this topic, and hopefully it’ll get traction to be implemented in, maybe Bear v2.1?
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Yes, Please! This would be amazing
Now Bear v2.0 is out, can I shamefully request Bear team to consider this feature again?