Tag Feature Request: Selectively Put Some Notes in Parent & Child Tags

You have given a good explanation here that is easy to understand even for non-technical users. Ultimately, bear deals with the existence of multiple tags from the same family in the same way as Obsidian. There will be good reasons for it being the way it is.

Rewriting a database is certainly not a trivial matter and the question certainly arises as to whether it is worthwhile in view of the few users who have a problem with it. To my surprise, I have noticed here in the forum that very few users use tagging as extensively as I do. It’s a limitation that the majority of users can live with, indeed they won’t even notice the limitation.

However, those who do notice the limitation will find it very painful, as it prevents them from making sensible use of all the tagging options available in Bear. And I maintain that for someone who has reasons to set several tags of the same family within a note, Bear’s behavior goes against all expectations. That’s why I’m hoping for Panda and to move some of my notes and texts there, as this problem can’t occur with single tags.