Using Bear as a Personal Knowledge Management system

I have experimented with different apps for Personal Knowledge Management for years, and finally settled on using Bear with its lovely tag system. I use nested tags, structuring them according to the PARA method. It’s pretty simple. I have done a writeup of my setup here, with a few screenshots. Comments and feedback on my system appreciated.


Thanks James, appreciate your information as I’m struggling with Apple Notes the same way - hoped to see Markdown support in iOS18 etc., but as Bear featured in the keynote (great!!!) I don’t expected it to be “just” available without notice.

I’ve given up on waiting for things to be added to Notes. One of the nice things about the Apple ecosystem is that powerful things are often made available to all developers, so Bear, being a native app, can get them pretty much when Notes does.

Hi James,

It’s cool to see someone using Bear as a PKM! I also use it in this way with a PARA method quite similar to yours :slight_smile:

I hope you were able to work around the app’s limitations to make it fit with this method.

Thank you very much for sharing

Nothing is perfect, but I think Bear does all the essential things well. I’ll write an update after using it in this way for a few months.