I was browsing through notes in Bear 2 to bask in the beautiful glow of how my notes with markdown hidden will look someday for a bit before returning to Bear 1. As I scrolled through notes, Bear 2 choked on a note and I got a spinning beachball for a bit. So, I investigated a little…
In Bear Version 2.0 (10084) it takes over 10 seconds between the moment I select the note before the note is rendered. In Bear 1, the note renders instantaneously. The note contains running notes for a recurring meeting where I take a lot of screenshots. Over time, the note has accumulated ~380 screenshots. Other notes (without lots of images) are rendering as expected (instantly) as I scroll through notes in Bear 2.
On a side note, all of my images that were thumbnails in Bear 1 are now showing as full-width images in Bear 2. The View > Show Images As Thumbnails menu option (what I hoped might convert all the images in my note to thumbnail size in a single step) is greyed out and I’m not looking forward to the prospect of manually resizing hundreds of screenshots in this note… much less the thousands across all my other Bear notes.