Bear for high sierra (10.13.6)

I want to transition from evernote to bear and have a 2 week pro trial. My laptop is running High Sierra and I’m not upgrading anytime soon. Can I get an older version of bear (even bear 1)?

Most of my activity is on a newer iMac or my phone, access from my laptop is needed also.

We can’t provide older Bear releases for security reasons and Bear 1 can’t sync with version 2.

If you are able to run recent versions of browsers, the upcoming web version could be a good-enough solution on your laptop. While it is a while before we will release it, you could join our beta test.

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Hi @rexikan, Please can you include me in :sob:. I have written mutliple times about testing a bear web version beta

I’ve even dmed bear on twitter :sweat_smile:. At this point I am just desperate to test out the web beta version as not having my notes on my windows work laptop is a blocker for me as I’ve been learning a lot of stuff lately and I require those notes while working. Also I have mac, ipad, iphone, apple watch and use bear on all of them (and weekdays spent on windows laptop, 60% of the time). Also I take notes with a lot of media (images, pdfs, etc) so I can test various aspects of the app and provide feedback to you guys. Love bear!

Right, sorry, I didn’t check your name, you are already on the list. We have been running internal beta for a while but we are close to bringing some more people in. Stay tuned.


Awesome, thanks a lot!

Thanks. I would love to join the web beta. I am SO excited to move from evernote and love that bear does one thing well instead of many things just OK.

Am I on the web beta list? Pretty please.

Yes, indeed you are.

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