Bear Todo Reports and Notifications – Apple Shortcuts

Bear Todo Reports and Notifications

@zowiewho @trix180

Hi there,


I have randomly used Bear’s todo lists in different notes, here and there, but didn’t find the Todo section in sidebar sufficient for overview etc. Also the lack of setting due date/time and notifications made me use Things and Microsoft ToDo instead.

But I love Bear and it’s ability to include images and file attachments (lacking in Things), so have been on the fence about using Bear Todo lists more extensively.

So, I bit the bullet and made three Apple Shortcuts to enhance the usefulness of Bear’s todo lists – maybe … :thinking:

Bear Todo Report - v.1.0 - 2024-11-24

Download and Install: Bear Todo Report - Shortcut

Reporting all Pending, Due/Overdue and Completed tasks.
Set due dates on tasks in yyyy-MM-dd format (2024-12-23)

This shortcut creates 3 Bear notes, listing:

  1. Due and Overdue
  2. Pending
  3. Completed Last 90 Days
  • All tagged with #.todo and shortcut opens the Pending note at the end.
  • All pending tasks listed in the reports are converted to regular list items (for not to be confused with the real tasks in origin notes)
  • Note title above these are WikiLinks to origin notes, where you should check off completed tasks.

Can be run any time, as often as you like, and old reports are deleted before the creation of new ones.

PS. If you have all your todos in one or two notes, you probably don’t need this shortcut :slight_smile:

Bear Todo Due to Reminders

v.1.1 - 2024-11-28

Download and Install: Bear Todo Due to Reminders - Shortcut

This shortcut adds todos due, to Apple Reminders.
See also companion shortcut: “Clear Bear Due Reminders”

Note! Run once daily, early morning before any set due time!

On tasks in Bear notes:

  • Set Due Date in yyyy-MM-dd format (2024-12-23)
  • Set Alert Time 24h as: `2024-12-23 at 08:00` or `2024-12-23 19:00`
    or with am/pm: `2024-12-23 8:00 am` or `2024-12-23 at 7:00 pm`
    ('at’ and Backticks are optional)

Default alert time can be set in text field at top of shortcut.

Clear Bear Due Reminders

v. 1.0 2024-11-28

Download and Install: Clear Bear Due Reminders - Shortcut

Companion to shortcut: “Bear Todo Due to Reminders”

This will check all tasks with due dates marked as done in Bear Notes (modified last 30 days), and if they exists and are active in Reminders, they wiil be marked done there as well.

If no active Bear tasks in Reminders, shortcut will stop at once (to save unnecessary processing, see first 5 steps in shortcut)

Bottom Line

  • Check them out and see what you think.
  • Please modify and improve as needed :blush:
  • Also run manually a few times to verify permissions, before settng up any automation.

Happy Taskgiving :wink:


I’m with you too. I have been going back and forth using the most popular task programs (Todoist, Reminders, Things) and how can I simplify things using Bear (think Bullet Journal tasks or how we all did it prior to computers).

I have been creating several shortcuts as well for this end in mind. I have been wondering if spending too much time with Shortcuts and why not just use one of these already done programs.and that is a good question.

One that I am still tackling now. Like your idea of how you are handling tasks.

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