Beta Test Bear Web App

Quick question, will there be a similar beta test for the Bear web app as there is with Panda on macOS and iOS?

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Hi Rhaz,

There most likely will be an option for users to test the web version before it’s finalised. This will be after the new Editor is added.

Regarding our web version, this is more of a long term goal. It will be implemented further down the line.

The completion and implementation of the new Editor for Bear is the priority at the moment. The new Editor will be used as a base for the web version.

After the new Editor has been added, we will then re-evaluate everything, including which is the best way to test the web version.


Any news on the web Version. For the moment I moved away from bear after 7 years being a fan, cause I need to share notes with colleagues and family. As soon, as a web version or sharing option exists, I will come back :wink:


Any news on the web version ? Is there a planned release date ?


Is there a status update for the web version? Anyway to help test this?

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Bear is built using Apple libraries to be fast and to perfectly fit into the Mac and iOS ecosystems. To make a web version, we try to share as much code as possible, but much will need to be reimplemented using web technologies. So, it is a big and complicated project. But we are making good progress, and many of the most difficult parts are done. We will put a beta out when it makes sense. My guess is that we have something to show in a few months.


Hi Bear Team.

Any news on the web version. Sharing notes with others is getting more important…
Thx for your great work and your support.

Kindest regards

Bear web is not for sharing notes or collaborating. It is for having access to your own notes on non Apple devices. For sharing notes we have the export feature. Collaboration with others is not coming any time soon.

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With upcoming Panda, that is file based, sharing/colaboration should be easily possible with shared folders in Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive. Even to other markdown apps on Windows and Linux.

This already works with current Panda beta on Mac.

So, we could use Panda for collaboration (workspaces or whatever) and Bear for private notes.

iA Writer already makes use of the new Dropbox folder interface on iOS/iPad. I’m pretty sure Panda for iOS/iPad will do the same, once the beta gets released on those platforms :wink::wink:

@rexikan Please correct me if I’m wrong :sunglasses:

Panda on Mac:

iA Writer on iPad (or Windows etc):

True. But it will not real time collaboration where you see the person typing. Any conflicting edits will be handled by the shared folder. But for many use cases, this will be good enough.