BETA - Welcome Testers!

Testers! Share feedback and bugs for our most recent betas

Welcome testers! Please share feedback and report bugs regarding the current betas. With your help, we will make Bear and Panda even better!

Submit Panda bug report: Beta Bug Reports - Bear Community

Please use the template below for your bug report.

  • Beta Version:
  • What were you doing:
  • What feature did you use:
  • What happened:
  • What did you expect to happen:

Panda Feedback: Beta Feedback - Bear Community

Feel free to provide any thoughts, suggestions, or general feedback about your experience with Panda here! :panda_face: :heart:



Are you taking new Test Flight users? I’d love to join :slight_smile:

I want to join, too! @zowiewho

Hey @KGFarrand and @Readmore,

At the moment we are not accepting more TestFlight users, but we’ll let everyone in the community know as soon as we open more seats!


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I am currently a Bear beta tester. I would like to be able to test out the panda beta as well. Is this possible?!

I would like to test the latest Panda beta.

I’d like to be a tester as soon as new seats are offered. Thanks!

I would like to test the Panda beta as soon as it is available.

I would like to join the Panda beta version, I hope all developers can give me a chance, thank you!

I’d like to be a tester! Thanks!

Hi there! I’d like to be a Panda tester.
I downloaded and used Panda when you first released it, but I recently changed my computer and find it has been changed a lot. I hope I can experience new Panda, but I can’t find the download portal.

I would like to be a Panda tester as well. Thanks!

I would also love to join as a Panda tester :slight_smile:

I have TestFlight and been a Bear 2 tester since a couple of years ago when you were still working on Bear 2. In TestFlight Bear shows up but Panda doesn’t. My copy of Panda is a download from outside the App Store. Has this changed? And (how) can I become a Panda tester as well?

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Yeah wait I am confused. Is there some new version of Panda that’s not the macOS alpha from before, which as near as I can tell is the only thing I’ve ever seen linked.

I would also love to join as a tester :slight_smile: