Recently I’ve been going all-in on moving all my notes to Bear, and it’s been great, and I’m looking forward to the new editor.
One thing I’ve been missing that’s available in most other editors is the ability to “quick open”, which is to say there’s a keyboard shortcut that opens a modal window that searches only document titles. The ability to search all text is still important, but I’ve got certain sheets I return to repeatedly (generally various ‘cheat sheets’) that are sort of difficult to find since their keywords appear so many times within the actual text. I find it’s very easy to jump to these things in apps like nvAlt/nvUltra but I often have to do a little digging to find what I’m looking for in Bear.
Thanks again for all the great work. I’m excited about the next release.
This would be really useful, although personally would like it if it could search within text as well (recent / headings listed first possibly).
This seems to have become a pretty common ui element, across a wide range of apps from notes to to-do apps. From that apps I’ve installed at the moment below are a couple of particularly examples:
iA Writer: Pretty minimal, but pretty nice; shows recent first.
Ulysses: Shows where in the text the search text is and can take you to it quickly.
Things 3: Pretty, but also really useful as it distinguishes between tags, projects etc; would be great to distinguish between heading, body text and tags in Bear.
Attached a screenshot. I’m sure the Bear team would create their own Bear flavoured version if they did this, but thought it might be of interest to see some other implementations.
Anyways that’s my 2c; obviously think it would be a great feature to have so +1 from me.
As @jujoje pointed out, this seems more like a problem with “pertinence”. A matching header should be considered more pertinent than matching body text and be surfaced on top of search results. Another possibility would be adding a search operator to only search headers.
Quick Open could be an interesting feature but it’s unrelated to the search problem IMO.
Commenting to bring this back up. I love the quick open on iOS and find overkill most of the time for Mac, so would like to see a quick open keyboard shortcut. So far, it’s the only thing I’m missing since coming back to Bear 2 from Obsidian.