Show recent notes when using Quick Open (Cmd + O)


First, thanks for adding quick open. This is by far my most used keyboard shortcut when navigating Bear now. However, it’s still a PITA to go to recent notes using the sidebar. It would be nice for the quick open hover modal to show some recently updated notes so we can quickly jump in between the day’s main contextual notes. This can or cannot be a configurable limit.

Another auxiliary suggestion would be to either include a full-text search by default (prioritizing results with heading match first and then full-text match) or to jump into a full-text search via a keyword, similar to tag search via #.

Thanks, and keep up the good work.


With recent notes do you mean those note you‘ve opened with quick open dialogue in recent sessions or also all notes that was also opened in main ui by selecting them from the notes list?

I meant recently opened notes (doesn’t matter how you navigated to them).