Feature Request: Sections to Preview

Not sure I will be able to explain this properly but will try.

I would like to be able to leverage the preview area to see the content of sections in my notes by tags. Sections could be based on headings and maybe some kind of ending delimiter (like a horizontal rule for example). So to try to illustrate…here is a note:

**### Heading 1**

Stuff goes here.  A few paragraphs...whatever.  Then a tag **#tag1**

*--- mark end of section character or whatever --*

**### Heading 2**

Stuff goes here.  A few paragraphs...whatever.  Then a tag **#tag2**

*--- mark end of section character or whatever --*

Now imagine multiple notes similarly structured. Then on the left sidebar…if I click on “tag2” I would see previews for all of the content in those sections only. If I click on “tag2” I would see previews for all of the content in that section only etc.

I suppose its a bit of a poor mans blocks (a la Logseq) but it would be so useful imo.
Hope this made sense!


I do understand why this might be useful but I feel is also this behavior is quite hard to understand for occasional users and generally speaking having the preview changing doesn’t facilitate the user recognition of the note. We do change the preview on search but that’s contextual to a precise user action and gives context to the term searched, but having the previews changing (potentially) for every tag in the sidebar seems a little too much.

Thanks for your feedback.

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Sounds good. No problem! Can’t wait for the IOS beta!