Grey out bullets under completed todo items

I think I’m going mad. I’m sure this was a thing. I made myself a note that it was a thing. Yet now it doesn’t work. So I won’t file this as a bug, but I’ll see if a feature request jogs anyone’s memory. Perhaps this was a feature that was removed.

It’s simple: when you check a todo item, any indented bullets underneath get greyed out. Because they’re ‘done’ along with their parent item.

So instead of this (current behaviour):

CleanShot 2024-08-26 at 14.41.05@2x

You’d have something like this (mocked):

CleanShot 2024-08-26 at 14.41.05@2x

I found this really useful in ~removing this now-useless bullet point from my view.

Unless I imagined the whole thing.

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