Hide locked notes from main notes list

I use locked notes for things I want to keep private. It’s not exactly private when the note exists in the main view, with a title and an indication that there’s a bunch of content associated with it. Please hide locked notes from the main notes list, or at least provide us with the option to.


Can use the search operator -@locked for this view. You could make a shortcut to launch bear with this by default?

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You probably mean the sections from the left sidebar (tag list) and not the notes list (second pane)?

No, I mean the notes list.

Store notes you don’t want to delete but don’t want to see anymore in the archive. Protect sensitive information by encrypting individual notes with a password, and you could also use folding sections to collapse or hide sections of notes to reduce visual clutter and make it easier to navigate large or complex notes.

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If the locked notes are removed from its notes list, they would loose their context and won’t be reachable anymore under their tags. But if you do not care about the context, why don’t you just remove the tags?