I can’t update panda

today when I opened panda opened dialog “Beta expired”. I clicked “Go to website” button in the dialog and go to “Panda - The brand new editor for Bear | Bear App” and download Panda from “MACOS” button and opend it.
But can’t use panda yet, opened dialog “Beta expired” again.

Please show me how to download panda new version.


Testing version:
I don’t know. I can’t open panda.

What were you doing:
panda opened dialog “Beta expired”.

What feature did you use:
panda opened dialog “Beta expired”.

What happened:
panda opened dialog “Beta expired”.

What did you expect to happen:
https://bear.app/alpha/“ provide beta version panda.

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Currently have the same problem :frowning:

Same issue here … can no longer use panda on Mac because “beta version has expired” and downloading a new version produces the same error message.


I’ve uploaded a new version that you can download here or from the website.

Sorry for issue.


Thanks for that - Happy New Year!

You rock, thank you!