Hey I tried bear beta and looks good. Some features are better.
Honestly, I don’t like the fact that all the edit features are minimalized in a single button which activate when you press it and basically the keyboard change with the features option. Is hell of a ride. I suggest keep the main features on the keyboard and ad the rest in a button. Also I don’t see the option to make the writing coloured. Still missing this feature.
@AlexandraRzk I’m not sure if you are aware but Panda is simply an app created to let customers test the new features of the new Editor to replace the current editor in Bear. It will come out when they release Bear 2.0. They most likely won’t be implementing new features as they’re trying to lock down the codebase to get Bear 2.0 out the door. Once that is done they will pickup after some of the feature requests they have in the queue such as colored text.
In addition, they are strict about sticking to the Markdown specification which I agree with and it doesn’t include colored text but does allow for highlighting which they’ve had implemented in Bear for quite some time. In reference to one of your other posts, Folders has been requested many times and if they eventually turn Panda into a supported product, it may appear there but that’s TBD and down the road.
Thanks for joining and providing input, afaik, the team always welcomes input from customers. I have been a happy Bear user for less than a year and am looking forward to Bear 2.0 with the Panda editor even if some features that folks would like haven’t made it in yet. They had a major code refactoring exercise which isn’t trivial and this is a very active community from what I can see/read.