Hello, ask again about iOS version progress, thanks.
Very much looking forward to the iOS and web versions. Will the iOS version be released before the Chinese New Year?
(From translation software, pardon)
Hello, we are in the process of ultimate some details of the iOS/iPadOS version before working on internal testing but meanwhile, we are fixing some beta bugs that emerged with the last update and work on the feedback received on backlinks.
If you mean the official release they will be both released on the same time.
您好,测试版也很期待!之前说准备 2023 年前发布测试,后来推迟了。那么春节前也算新的一年了。会不会发布测试版呢?谢谢
Hello, I’m looking forward to the beta version! Previously, it was said that he was going to release the test by 2023, but it was later postponed. Then it will be a new year before the Spring Festival. Will the beta version be released?
I’m not sure at the moment because we’ll possibly release a backlinks update before iOS.
Unfortunately, backlinks and migration have taken more time than expected. We are working hard for releasing Q1 2023.
Can you please clarify if the team is working on releasing the beta or the full version of iOS/iPadOS during Q1 2023?
I’m referring to Bear 2 full version for macOS, iOS and iPadOS.