Is it possible to search for all notes with two tags?


If I wanted to pull up a subset of notes that have two specific tags, how would I do that? I tried searching #daily notes# #family/maggie# and #daily notes# AND #family/maggie to look for journal entries that mention my mother-in-law, but neither worked. I also tried command- and shift-clicking on two tags in the tags list, to no avail.

Thanks, and sorry for what seems like a basic question.


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Special Search triggers can be used in combination with any term to get more precise results. For example, a search for @images “Intelligentsia Coffee” shows all notes containing an image and the exact keyword ‘Intelligentsia Coffee’ anywhere in the text. Please note: Individual keywords of a combined search need to be separated by spaces.

Use ‘or’ to search for all notes containing one of the two keywords: bread or cake will find every note that contains at least one of those keywords.

To exclude specific words from the search results, use the minus sign: to exclude take-out only cafes, enter -“take out”.

Thanks. I had somehow been trying this with combinations that didn’t yield distinct results, even though I thought I was. I tried more specific searches now and was able to reproduce the results I wanted.


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