Hi @TedwardBear and team. Apologies if this request has been asked and addressed - if so, I’m not finding it. But would it be possible for Panda to support markdown images - ie. . I have no idea if that’s a huge development challenge or not, but it would be a super nice feature if possible.
Hi @TedwardBear - yes, this was in regards to displaying the remote image within the note. Which would be incredibly helpful for porting in existing markdown notes - not to mention not needing to save images within the SQLite database.
I appreciate your feedback and transparency on the current status. Please count this as a +1 for that feature, if that makes any difference.
You need to display the network image, and even if you cannot display the network image, load the network image locally, and then display the local image. That is, the image can be automatically converted to local and then displayed. Otherwise, the markdown text I copied won’t display properly.
I think the main problem with remote images by URL is you can’t predict how large they’re going to be. Local images, and how big they should look (in Panda) is all predictable behavior, but a URL can return anything. It could even show different images at different times with different sizes and that could make the editor feel unstable.
There are ways around these problems, but it’s not an obvious thing:
Bear could do what it does with the link previews and render a predefined frame for any remote images. This would mean having a BOX with an image within.
Bear could automatically download and attach the remote image in place of the markdown image.
I personally think option 1 here would be great. Rendering a big box as a frame for remote images would also enable other features down the line, such as iFrames. iFrames, similar to remote images don’t have any predetermined size, but putting them in a hardcoded frame size would fix that problem too.
I was really, really hoping that I had made an error in my Markdown rather than this simply not being support. Please, please support the full Markdown standard, including images.
For reference, I’m creating notes for a website, and I can include a ‘status image’ from that website—but not if you won’t render remote images!
Further, I tested this in Typora, and it worked without any problems.
Please support remote images, otherwise I’ll have to look for another editor, and that won’t make me happy.
To be fair, I was quite surprised how limited Markdown support was in Bear, given that I purchased it on the basis that it was a Markdown editor — see: Bear Markdown Reference | Markdown Guide.