More powerful search (proposal): combine-able search expressions which define the place inside the note where to search

Almost three years ago as a new user I have made a similar request but with an old mindset determined by the apps I used before. I am going to renew my request without asking for a certain implementation in regards to ui. My request for a more powerful search is going to be phrased upon the already existing advanced search expressions. I am aware that bears database may be too limited but however I would like to describe a capability that would be enormous useful for me. In some regard I represent the type of user who is a libraries rather than a gardener or architect. Actually I am dreaming of the following features.

Here are the main points for a more powerful and location-based search in a quick and dirty draft:

1. Search expressions to define the place where to search

  • Syntax
    @place(search expression)

  • Examples
    @to-do(homework) → looks for “homework” in all to-do’s
    @quote("i was here" OR "you are here") → looks for both sentences in all quotes
    @heading("social politics" -germany) → looks in for headings that also contain “social politics” excluding all headings that have “germany” in them

  • Possible places
    @title( ), @heading( ), @to-do( ), @list( ), @ordered_list( ), @quote( ), @footnote( ), @image( ), @pdf( ), @table( ), @code( ) and so on

2. Combinable search expression

Currently you could define the tile as place where to search by adding “@title” to the search bar. The problem here is that all your search is reduced to just the title and you cannot combine searches.

The syntax above would allow combinations. Here an example:

@title(pasta) -tomato → searches for all notes with “pasta” in its title and without “tomato” in the text body.

3. Tags inside search search expression

Last but not least the search expression is able to search for tags. Example:

@quote(#subject/psychology OR #subject/sociology)