Per-note read-only switch

For reference style notes (clothing sizes, conversion charts, terminal commands, etc) or carefully written notes (poems, etc) I’d love a way to toggle read-only mode on a note so you can’t accidentally change them.

Especially because sometimes you change text without realizing or there’s other reasons Undo won’t work (anymore).

(Couldn’t find a post yet, may have used the wrong search keywords)


Not quite what you’re after, but I send notes to archive and then link to them from an index to achieve the same

Smart idea. I will have to hold onto that little trick.

I use quick open, search and tags to open notes, none of which work on archived notes.

Appreciate the help though, thanks!

Search and quick open at least do work if you switch to archive tab first - again, just a workaround but may help :slight_smile: