I like that I can pin notes, but find that it’s useful only for “global” things and only a few things at a time.
It would be great to be able to pin a note within a certain tag, but only in that tag.
For example I need my weight training notes every day, so I pinned them, but they are really only useful when I am in the gym. The rest of the day other stuff is more important, so pinning them globally is a bit of overkill for me.
This is a topic the team has discussed on occasion and it could be possible to implement this style of tag system into Bear, but currently, it is not something we are working on.
Here is how I handled a similar situation. In my case, during the activity, I needed to access multiple notes in sequential order. Here’s how: Create a new note, something like, “Gym”, in your case. Then put links to each of your activity-specific gym notes, in the order in which you need to access them. This is your top-level note. At the top of each activity-specific note, put a link back to your top level note. At the bottom, put a link to the activity-specific note that comes next in your workout routine. In between those two links is where you put information regarding each activity. I hope this helps.
Here is another option. Use Bear’s folding option and put all your gym notes into one note. As you get to each new activity, unfold that portion of your gym note. Fold that section when you’re done and unfold the next one. I am REALLY enjoying this new-to-me folding option! You can learn more about folding in Bear’s Blog section.