Setting default markup for italics and lists

From the early “# ~Welcome~ to the #Bear beta!” note:

New Markdown experience

Bear notes use Markdown, a simple, standard way to style to plain text with bold, italics, lists, links, and more. When text is wrapped with underscores or asterisks, Markdown-friendly apps know to italicize and bold that text, respectively.

When text is wrapped with _underscores_ or **asterisks**, 
Markdown-friendly apps know to italicize and bold that text, 
  1. I’m using _underscores_ to italicize in my other Markdown app, and it would be nice to get an option for chosing _underscores_ instead of *asterisks* (as it is now by default) for italics.

  2. Same goes for unordered lists: Would be nice to be able to choose - space instead of * space as default markup for lists.

This would make it easier to copy/paste from Bear into other apps.

WhatsApp recently started supporting _underscores_ for italics and *asterisks* for bold :frowning:
- space for Unordered lists, 1. space for ordered lists and > space for quotes.
Have no idea why they chose single * wrap for bold instead of standard **bold**, but what to do?

Anyway, making bear able to use _italics_ and - Lists item as defaults would be helpful. I often write longer chats with lists etc in a note app before copy/pasting it in WhatsApp. Now I’m using Drafts for that instead of Bear.

I could of course manually type _italics_ and - space for lists, but unordered list do not show markup in Bear as of now, so difficult to see what markup is used: * or - or even a mix of the two. It doesn’t even show when you unhide Markdown in settings.


Yes, I see your problem. We expect this to be an even bigger issue in Panda as you are more likely to work on markdown files produced or consumed using other tools. We might start with an option in Panda and see how it is received, and then possibly also add it to Bear.

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I would really like to be able to use the single * to put the text in bold. I use WhatsApp a lot, and whenever I have to copy and paste a Bear text to it, I have to edit everything manually.

@rexikan I hope Panda will be available in alphatest soon.
I like to be on the list of testers.

Unfortunately, WhatsApp introduced a nonstandard Markdown syntax for bold enclosed by single * – while most (or all?) markdown editors use double ** for **bold**.

But I guess it’s not likely that WhatsApp is going to change that.

But that’s why we have Apple Shortcuts!
I’m using WhatsApp extensively, so I finally had to make this one:

Bear2WhatsApp – Apple Shortcuts

It replaces all Bear markup for bold, italics and headings into “WhatsApp markup”

  1. Copy Bear note as Markdown or copy directly from Bear editor.
  2. Run shortcut
  3. Paste converted clipboard into WhatsApp message.

It’s a great way. I only deleted the end of the shortcut because I use WhatsApp Web, not the app.
Would there be a way to use for example “ctrl+shift+c” to copy in Bear using your shortcut directly? Thanks.

Great, now I just create this shorctut on BTT (Better Touch Tool). When I press CMD+` selecting a text on Bear, it triggers the whole thing:

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I use the Web version of WhatsApp in Edge on iPad, but the app on Mac and iPhone,
so I added this code snippet to the end of the shortcut:


There is a bug in the shortcut when I use characters like “:”

Can you solve this?

Thanks for pointing that out.
Yes, the RegEx replacements was messy and not tested propperly, but think I have fixed it now:

So, hope this works better: Bear2WhatsApp v.1.1 - Shortcuts :crossed_fingers: